Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Back to the Blog.

Well, I am going to start of this blog again and I have committed to staying current with it so here goes.

Dori and I just got back from a wonderful trip to San Diego. We stayed with my 91yr old Great Grandfather who is still going strong out on the West Coast. It must be the weather and the Italian bloodline that keep him running around. I am counting on having the same longevity. We left Friday morning at 9:00 am and landed in San Diego at 10:00 am. The 2 hr time difference causes the flying time to only have a 1hr impact on my day although it wipes out the day when we are flying back to Texas.

During the weekend we caught up with Grandpa, visited the beach a couple of times, I ran 12 miles on Coronado Island while Dori followed on a bike, visited the Tide Pools at Cabrillo National Monument, and ate more in 3 days than we have in the past week combined. Italians have this thing about eating well and making sure that no one ever goes hungry. I am going to spend the next week trying to run off all the extra calories I consumed.

So my biggest current goal in life is to run with Dean Karnazes. I missed him when he came through town for the Endurance 50 because I had a test in Real Estate Law, and he ran the Ultracentric National Championships in Grapevine last weekend while I was in San Diego. So it looks like I will have to go and find him while he is running home from New York to Los Angeles. GandaMan went and ran with him at the Ultracentric. Go and read his blog post when you get the chance.

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